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Peachy Keen


White and peach handtied bouquet ready for a vase. Some flowers may vary depending on seasonal availability. Style, colour, shape and value will be maintained.

Lemon Lime


Yellow, white and green flowers in a handtied bouquet. No vase included. Some flowers may vary depending on seasonal availability. Style, colour, shape and value will be maintained.

Summer Glow


This hand-tied bouquet combines sunflowers, roses, and iris with greens and accent flowers. No vase is included. Some flowers may vary depending on seasonal availability. Style, colour, shape, and value will be maintained.

Designer's Choice Hand- Tied Bouquet


Let us design something marvelous for you! This design will not include a vase as it is a hand tied bouquet and perfect for someone who doesn't need one! Colours and flowers in photo shown are not a representation of design. 

The Flower of Love


Roses handtied with filler and greens. If you would like a different colour of rose, please make your selection below. 

Fuschia Fusion


Hot pinks, soft pinks and purples all combine in this handtied bouquet ready for a vase. Some flowers may vary depending on seasonal availability. Style, colour, shape and value will be maintained.

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